Check out our new papers accepted to the IFAC LPVS’18 workshop.
- Wiel, T. T. R. van de, R. Tóth and V. I. Kiriouchine: Comparison of Parameter-Varying Decoupling Based Control Schemes for a Quadcopter, Accepted to the IFAC Workshop on Linear Parameter Varying Systems, (2018), Florianopolis, Brazil. (ERC)
- Koelewijn, P. J. W., P. S. G. Cisneros, H. Werner and R. Tóth: LPV Control of a Gyroscope with Inverted Pendulum Attachment, Accepted to the IFAC Workshop on Linear Parameter Varying Systems, (2018), Florianopolis, Brazil. (ERC)
- Abbas, H. S., J. Hanema, R. Tóth, J. Mohammadpour and N. Meskin: A New Approach to Robust MPC Design for LPV Systems in Input-Output Form, Accepted to the IFAC Workshop on Linear Parameter Varying Systems, (2018), Florianopolis, Brazil.
- Schoukens, M. and R. Tóth: Linear Parameter Varying Representation of a class of MIMO Nonlinear Systems, Accepted to the IFAC Workshop on Linear Parameter Varying Systems, (2018), Florianopolis, Brazil. (ERC)
See you in Brazil!!!