Springer Thesis Prize for Dhruv Khandelwal

As a prize for his outstanding original work, Dhruv Khandelwal’s PhD thesis will be published by Springer in its distinguished Thesis Series! I and Dr. Maarten Schoukens, scientific collaborators and former supervisors of Dhruv, are extremely proud that his work got such a distinction!

Plenary talk at LPVS’21

Plenary talk about our new break through in LPV control and modelling at the LPVS’21 conference with the title: Nonlinear Tracking & Rejection Using LPV Control: Towards LPV 2.0.

I’m proud that the support of the European Research Council made available to my team to achieve hard-core performance and stability guarantees for the closed-loop behaviour of synthesised LPV controllers and nonlinear systems.